Hurricanes, Fear, and the Sun's Return

The night after the storm

Living in Florida means embracing paradise for most of the year, but come hurricane season, our lives become a dance with weather apps, hoping no storm brews on the horizon. Hurricane Milton was one such dance partner, looming large for over nine days, growing in size and drama with each forecast. Meteorologists painted vivid pictures of impending doom, scripting a narrative of fear that urged everyone to flee or prepare.

This anticipation of a hurricane mirrors life's bigger storms: those looming events or revelations that could shake our world, filled with potential for chaos and change. We live in fear of these futures, uncertain and often paralyzed by what might be.

Yet, life has taught me a profound lesson about transparency and vulnerability. I've shared my story, my "bumps and lumps," my past mistakes, and my triumphs. This sharing, this baring of my soul, has been like shedding a heavy backpack of secrets. Secrets, after all, are the true sickness of the soul.

Growing up, I was taught to care more about appearances than authenticity. My mother, God rest her soul, was more concerned with neighbors' opinions than my own feelings. Church was about fashion, not faith. "What will people say?" was her mantra.

This mindset nearly broke me. The shame, the secrets, they were crippling, perhaps even fueling my battles with addiction.

This October, I invite you to join me in a different kind of storm preparation. If you've faced addiction, whether your own or a loved one's, share your story with me. If anonymity comforts you, I promise to keep your identity safe.

Why share? Because in sharing, we find relief. A sponsor once told me that writing is direct communication with the divine. Perhaps in your words, you'll find healing.

Imagine the aftermath of a hurricane. The tension, the fear, culminates in the storm's arrival. But come the next day, the sun often shines, revealing a new reality. We assess, we clean up, and we move forward.

This is what sharing our stories does. It brings our past into the light, allowing us to see it for what it is and to begin the cleanup. Life isn't meant to be lived in the shadows of regret and shame but in the brightness of today.

Take that first step. Write your story. Feel the liberation. If you're willing to share it with me, or even allow me to share it with others (anonymously if you wish), you might just light the way for someone else feeling lost in their storm.

Our shared stories weave a tapestry of connection, reminding us we're never alone in our struggles.

Now, I step out into the Florida sunshine, embracing the day after the storm.

May your weekend be filled with light and may you find the courage to share a piece of your journey.

Take care, and keep embracing your sober life.


Elizabeth aka Bizzy

Newsletter for October 4, 2024

Fall, Family, and Finding Peace: Embracing Change and Letting Go

Can you sit back and let things happen, or do you always feel the need to share how you’re feeling?

Family, I’m heading on a vacation to visit my daughter in Vermont, and it’s stirring up a lot of emotions. I’m nervous! Isn’t that crazy? It feels that way, but with my birthday approaching—turning 56—my emotions feel bigger than ever. You’d think by now I could keep my feelings to myself, but I’m human.

Family, in particular, can be so triggering for many of us.

They’ve known us forever—since childhood, middle school, high school—and, if you’re like me, there are parts of our past we’d rather forget. But some family members love to remind us of our past mistakes. These painful memories are things we’ve worked hard to accept and move past, perhaps with the help of a professional. However, not everyone in our family gets the same guidance, and they sometimes can’t help bringing up the past, no matter how much we wish they wouldn’t. So, how do we move forward?

On this trip, I’m taking the first steps toward a different kind of relationship with my children—one that’s healthier and more functional than the one I grew up with.

It’s going to take effort to keep my feelings and thoughts in check, but I’m determined to use the tools I’ve learned on my journey. Some of those tools include:

  • Don’t take things personally.

  • Breathe.

  • Let comments and gestures slide.

  • Avoid reacting.

  • Think before speaking.

  • Ask myself: Does this need to be said? Does it need to be said now?

  • Take a time-out: go for a walk, return to the hotel if necessary.

Building good memories requires effort and boundaries. Before this trip, I talked with my daughter about our boundaries, sharing mine as well. These boundaries aren’t about creating distance; they’re about preventing feelings of hurt.

We both want this weekend to be fun and memorable, and we’re committed to doing whatever it takes to ensure that.

Relationships, especially those with family, can be tough—especially when we carry old hurts or expectations. But if we can let go of expectations, we can be present in the moment and open to surprise.

We all need a little help and support when striving for healthy relationships.

This year, with the election looming, there's even more anxiety in the air. But by communicating openly and listening to each other, my daughter and I are setting the stage for a great trip—one that will hopefully leave us excited for the next.

The foliage in New England will be at its peak, and like the leaves that change color and fall, we are all constantly evolving. Embracing change is key, because it’s inevitable, and resisting it only makes things harder.

Ultimately, it’s not about seeking approval from others—it’s about cherishing the time we have with the people we love. We can’t control what our children grow up to be, so we might as well practice restraint of tongue and pen.

Enjoy this glorious fall weekend wherever you are, and remember, God is always with you. His love is unconditional, and with that knowledge, you will never be alone.

Sending love and big hugs to all.

Elizabeth aka Bizzy

Newsletter for Friday, September 27, 2024


Have you ever felt hopeless at some point in your life?

Growing up in the 70s and 80s, I watched a lot of television. I often found myself comparing my life to what I saw on screen. I longed for what I perceived as the ideal: a happy mom and dad, nice siblings, and the perfect family. Unfortunately, I didn’t get that dream. Today, though, I find joy in witnessing other families heal, and it makes me so happy.

This week, I had the honor of watching two friends experience healing within their families.

One of my friends, George, grew up in what seemed like an amazing family. But he had a secret—his mother struggled with mental illness. His father did his best to cover it up, becoming both mother and father to George and his brother Mike. His dad went to work, made money, cooked dinner, and made sure they were dressed for school. He was, in many ways, a hero, creating a sense of normalcy for his children.

Despite this, George and Mike grew up believing their family was ideal, only to realize later that their mother’s absence and struggles were significant. They rarely talked about how they felt, which only added to their anxiety. Keeping family secrets can be damaging—secrets make you sick.

Recently, at a family christening, the brothers sent their wives back to the hotel and stayed up late talking—really talking. They shared their experiences growing up and how they both saw things similarly. Without judgment or drama, they laughed and cried. For the first time, they spoke openly about their mother’s illness. It was a moment of closure and freedom from the burden of carrying that secret.

The second story involves my friend Elliot, an alcoholic who has been struggling for decades. Despite his many attempts to get sober, nothing seemed to work. Yet, he never gave up.

When his daughter was getting married, Elliot desperately wanted to be there for her. A friend intervened, taking him to treatment as his health was rapidly declining. This time, Elliot took recovery seriously because he wanted to live and be present for his family.

The wedding was difficult. His ex-wife has remarried a man who now fills Elliot’s role in the family. Seeing his daughter love her stepfather was a painful reminder of all he had lost to his disease. Thankfully, a fellow alcoholic in recovery accompanied him to the wedding. Together, they processed the weekend, and Elliot was able to express his feelings without judgment.

Later, Elliot called his ex-wife and took responsibility for his actions. Without making excuses, he spoke honestly, and she listened without judgment. This conversation marked the beginning of a new, healthier relationship, one built on mutual respect and forgiveness.

Both stories brought tears to my eyes. They experienced something many of us long for—healing and forgiveness.

If there are rifts in your family or relationships, and you have the opportunity to let go of the past and listen with an open heart, things can change. Forgiveness is powerful.

God always forgives. It is we humans who struggle with forgiveness. If you have someone to forgive, do it. I promise, nothing feels better than letting go and embracing an open heart.

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for reading.

Elizabeth aka Bizzy

Newsletter: Friday, September 20, 2024


Can you believe we’re already halfway through September?! Time flies when you’re having fun!

There’s a lot of noise about politics and the upcoming election. Who do you unfollow on social media because of their political opinions? It’s a dark and scary time, and so many people are living in fear.

But today, I want to put the noise aside and challenge you to dream. When was the last time you got lost in daydreaming? I love sitting outside, leaving my phone behind, and staring up at the clouds. As I’ve mentioned before, I believe heaven is right above us, and I often think about loved ones who are now there.

I trust that God, the Blessed Mother, my mom, and friends I’ve lost are all looking out for me from heaven. This trust allows me to let go of fear about the future and, in turn, to dream.

I used to dream of being on television and becoming famous. That dream has never left me, though it looks different now. The internet has given me a platform to share my thoughts and conversations, fulfilling a piece of that dream. I wanted to be the next Barbara Walters—someone who could report the news and have in-depth conversations with fascinating people. To me, she was the last real reporter.

Today, my dream is to be known for changing the stigma around addiction. I don’t want anyone to feel alone or ashamed about this devastating disease. Addiction doesn’t discriminate, and it leaves families and friends lost and in need of support. I can’t count how many times I’ve heard from loved ones of addicts saying they feel powerless and without resources.

This is why I’ve been pursuing my dream through my podcast, videos, and mocktail recipes. I’ve had many specialists on my show who offer solutions for those who are struggling. And now, with this newsletter, I’m ready to take the next step.

I’m planning to host an event—a dream I’ve had for a long time.

But I need your feedback.

I’m thinking about hosting this event during the last weekend of February, from February 28th to March 7th, for 10 women. It would be a weekend of connection, relaxation, and growth. We’d swim, take a boat ride, and just spend time making new friends in a safe environment. So many of us feel alone, and this would be an opportunity to meet new people and share our experiences.

What do you think? Would you be interested in attending?

If it’s not for you, no hard feelings. But I encourage you to dream. Open your mind and heart to happiness, love, hope, and faith. It can change everything.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you have an amazing weekend.

Love you all!

Have a happy, happy day!

Elizabeth aka Bizzy

Newsletter for Friday, September 13th

It’s Fall, and My Calendar is Busy!

Happy Fall! This week has been full of activity—attending Alpha, starting my first Bible study, and preparing for my son Henry and his fiancée Alyssa’s visit this weekend. Life is so good!

Reflecting back to when my children were young, I remember how we were always rushing from one place to another. In hindsight, it wasn’t the recipe for happiness—it was a recipe for chaos, filled with deadlines and stress.

If I could go back—though I know I can’t—I would have prioritized sitting around the dinner table more. I would have made time for real conversations, listening to each other’s experiences, sharing what was bothering us, and simply being together.

What brought this reflection on? My experiences with Alpha and Bible study.

“The Alpha Course outlines the core principles of the Christian faith that all denominations agree on. It’s designed to emphasize that what unites us is infinitely greater than what divides us. Alpha opens doors for meaningful discussions and the transformative power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

On Mondays, we meet at church, share a family-style dinner, and then watch a 20-minute video about the Gospel. What follows is a group discussion where people from different walks of life—various careers, ages, and faiths—share openly about how the video resonates with them. It’s been such a powerful experience, teaching me more about myself and those around me.

The Bible study I’m attending, Walking with Purpose, is a “Catholic” Bible study, but the message is relatable for any Christian, as it’s rooted in Scripture. Our group is a mix of women of different ages and faith backgrounds, and their stories have been deeply inspiring. Hearing about their journeys and life experiences has been both fascinating and enriching.

Where I am in life now has changed. I’ve slowed down and am trying to appreciate the things I missed when I was constantly busy. Today, I’m figuring out who I am, what drives me, and what truly matters. This shift began when I said “yes” to going to Medjugorje. If I had said no, I would have missed the chance to grow closer to God, explore the Bible, and understand its stories in a deeper way. That simple yes also expanded my community—I’ve gained new friends and acquaintances in just the past week.

Life is amazing when we say yes. No fear—it’s time to learn, love, and grow.

Henry and Alyssa are coming home to a mom and stepdad who are a little more evolved than the last time they saw us. I like to keep my kids on their toes—LOL! It’s such a blessing to be not only a mom but also a friend to my grown children.

If your kids are still young, my personal advice is to slow down and smell the roses. Constantly running from one activity to the next isn’t sustainable and robs us of our peace and serenity. It’s okay to miss a game. If I could do it all over, I would have spent more time just being with my kids instead of driving everyone crazy with schedules. By the end of the day, we were all anxious and tired, and the last thing anyone wanted to do was sit down for family time.

Make the time now—you won’t regret it.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Sending love and hugs,
Elizabeth aka Bizzy

Self-Love and Authenticity

Whenever I shop and a salesperson suggests different dresses or outfits, I confidently know what I will or won’t try on. With age and experience, I can clearly say what I like and want. For the first time in my life, I can honestly say I love myself and embrace my authentic self, no matter what others think—and that is truly a privilege.

I remember growing up, hearing my mother say that as we age, the need for approval from others fades away, and she was right.

Lately, I’ve been writing every day for an hour, after being encouraged to share my story in a book. This week, I started, and now I’m over 10,000 words in. Reflecting on my childhood and teenage years has brought so much into perspective. My life has been quite an adventure, and I know there are many more chapters to live.

Life is such a journey, and spending time wishing things were different is a waste. We can’t go back! All we have is right now. I used to spend so much time wishing my life had unfolded differently, revisiting events from the past. But no power in the world can bring back time. So, instead of dwelling on what was, I’ve learned to embrace my past, because everything happens for a reason. It may take months, years, or even decades to understand why things happened the way they did.

This realization recently hit me hard. In my family, I always saw myself as the black sheep (you’ll understand why when you read my book). I felt like an outcast. But I realize now that labeling myself that way only made my life harder, more stressful, sadder, and lonelier than it needed to be. A friend of mine recently shared a similar story about labeling herself the “black sheep,” and it opened my eyes.

Years of sobriety and 12-step work, along with the passing of my mother, have helped me let go of those labels and self-pity I carried for so long. It took decades, but I can now say with certainty that I was the one who cast myself as the villain—no one else. I spent so much time feeling sorry for myself that I didn’t have the courage or self-love to let go of that false narrative until recently.

We all put labels on ourselves that aren’t necessarily true. If we asked our friends or family to describe us, their responses would likely be very different from the ones we assign ourselves. Negative thoughts and emotions can skew our self-esteem and authenticity. I carried so much guilt and shame from my teenage years, dragging those feelings around like a backpack full of bricks. It weighed me down, and I had no self-compassion. This lack of self-love showed in how I acted and the emotional walls I built around my heart.

Time is a healer of most wounds—whether they’re self-inflicted or caused by others. Now, in my mid-50s, I’ve learned to love myself and to love God. I’ve come to realize that God always forgives and loves us unconditionally. It took the time it did for me to arrive where I am now, but I can tell you this: it’s never too late to build a relationship with God. The gifts that come with it—like self-love and the ability to be your authentic self—are priceless.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Sending big hugs and love,
Elizabeth aka Bizzy

Inclusivity and Openness

Looking back on my younger years, I always had a deep desire to include everyone, a trait that has carried into my adult life. However, there was a time when I acted contrary to this value—when I was drinking. During those years, I wasn't always the kindest person. I surrounded myself with those I perceived as better or more affluent, driven by a need to climb the social ladder. It was a difficult time, and the truth is, I didn't like myself very much.

It wasn’t until recently that I realized how misguided my thinking was, especially within my own family. I wanted to stand out, which led me to isolate myself, feeling as if I were wearing a scarlet letter. Over time, I came to understand that I had turned myself into a victim. Have you ever felt like that?

Being a victim is an isolating place. No one wants to hear a "woe is me" story, and the irony is that I put myself in that position. Yes, people said hurtful things, but how I chose to react was entirely on me. No one else can control how we feel—only we can.

It's fascinating to realize that our mindset shapes how we perceive and react to situations. Today, I’m genuinely happy—not just putting on a façade. I like who I am, inside and out. I no longer feel the need to impress anyone, and as a result, I’m more open and eager to connect with others.

When we are open and content, God brings so many gifts into our lives. But when we’re closed off, everything seems dark and sad. I believe that those who have a relationship with God tend to live happier, more content lives.

As we approach Labor Day weekend, I encourage you to include others—whether it’s sharing a meal, taking a walk, or simply having a cup of tea or coffee. Let’s be open and inclusive, and take a moment to appreciate the laborers who helped make this country great.

Wishing you a wonderful Labor Day filled with love, connection, and joy. Remember, you are never alone.

Elizabeth aka Bizzy 

Newsletter for August 23, 2024 

Finding Hope in Hopeless Times

Life can be overwhelming, and sometimes it feels like everything is crashing down around you. Darkness, fear, and loneliness can seem all-consuming. But even in these moments, remember—you are not alone!

Light always conquers darkness, and there are ways to find that light. Here are some tools that have helped me, and I hope they can help you too:

  • Pray: Get on your knees and pray!  There’s power in prayer, and humbling yourself this way can change everything.

  • Gratitude List: Start small if you need to—maybe just a single word for five things like the sun, air, trees, grass, and a place to sleep. Gratitude is transformative.

  • Turn Off the TV: Especially the news. It’s just noise that adds to the chaos. Disconnect and reclaim your peace.

  • Music and Movement: Play your favorite music and dance around your house. It’s not only great exercise but a perfect distraction from the stresses of life.

  • Feelings Aren’t Facts: Remember, nothing stays the same! Just as the world changes in an instant, so do your feelings. Don’t let them dictate your reality.

  • Connect with God: God, the Blessed Mother, and your Guardian Angels are always with you. Acknowledge them and say thank you—it could always be worse.

  • Reach Out: Call an old friend or relative. People love hearing from someone they haven’t spoken to in a while, and it will lift both your spirits.

  • Read a Book: Escape into a great story. Grab a cozy blanket, a cup of tea, and let your imagination take you to a peaceful place.

  • Cook Something New: Try a recipe you’ve always wanted to make. The simple act of cooking can help your worries fade away.

  • Believe in Miracles: They happen, and prayer works. Embrace patience and learn to live in the unknown. Don’t assume the worst—positivity can change everything. And remember, you’re not a mind reader or a fortune teller, so hope for the best!

These tools have been very helpful to me, and I hope they offer you the same comfort and strength. Life’s constants—the sun, the moon, and the ocean—will always be there, rising and falling as they always have.

Enjoy your journey; this is the only ride you get.

Wishing you a wonderful day and an even better weekend. I’ll be back next week, sending hope, love, and prayers your way.

Elizabeth aka Bizzy

Newsletter for Friday August 16, 2024


18 years sober and yes the world has changed in so many ways. One can get sober using a plethora of choices. AA, SmartRecovery, SoberSis, and Recovery Church to name a few. What works??

I believe that having a relationship with your higher power that I call God is of the utmost importance, but how do people find God if so many people don’t believe? We are in a real conundrum.

Today (Thursday) I was in a parking lot pulling out of a space. The parking lot was not full; there were many open spots to park. I started reversing and I heard honking. I looked back and a young man was honking and screaming. I rolled down my window and looked at the guy and said, “God Bless You.” He then screamed, “FU, I don’t believe in God! I am a Pagan!” I said, “Good for You, I still wish you the best.” He then stuck out his middle finger and said,  “It is people like you that make me not believe.” So sad! 

Lately, I have been hearing and seeing more people than ever before scream that they don’t have faith! They don’t go to church, or trust in anything but themselves! 

Now, I am not a Bible beater and I don’t think it is my place to tell people what is right and wrong to believe. But I can tell you from first hand experiences we are living in dark times! 

In fact I think that not having any faith at all could be the most important issue of our times.

We need to count on something.  Having blind faith and knowing you have God watching over you not only brings you calm and peace, it reassures you that you're not facing life alone. 

The disease of addiction is very isolated and lonely. 

The addict is isolated, the family members are in a constant state of worry! It is such a scary disease! And, today the disease is hitting more families than ever.  

One cannot speak with their friends about a family member that is sick with addiction for fear of being judged! 

When one has nowhere else to turn it is so comforting to know you have God. God listens anywhere you are. You can get on your knees in most places and ask for help. The help that you have asked for may not be immediate, but I know I get relief when I ask for help! 

God is there for all of us! We don’t have to battle these tough times alone. 

Knowing you have somewhere to turn is comforting and I conclude that we all could use a little more God and a little less self reliance. I know for me personally I cannot solve my problems alone. I need help from others and starting my day asking for God’s guidance and help throughout the day benefits not only myself but anyone I come in contact with during the day. 

Humility is tough for a lot of us but I promise you being humble will give more gifts than you could ever imagine. 

Try it! Let me know how it works for you. 

Have a wonderful weekend. 

Sending blessings to all that are reading this today. 


Elizabeth aka Bizzy 

Newsletter August 9, 2024

reenactment of 4am

Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night?

I don’t know if you ever wake up way before your alarm, at say 4 am, filled with worry; but I have to tell you I do sometimes. I wake up and of course I have to wake up JF (my hubby)...I reach over and touch him and ask in a particularly loud voice, “ Hey, are you up? I really need to talk.” He of course rolls over and asks, “What’s up?” My response is, “I’m worried!”

Now we are both awake and of course it’s pitch black outside and the dogs are still sleeping. The perfect time to talk about my anxiety about the future! 

Can you relate? 

I know that I try to preach that it is so much better to live in gratitude and faith but some days I slip and literally go to “the Dark Side”, as I like to call it. For some reason I wake up out of a dead sleep and my mind is racing… What if this happens? What if that happens? What is our plan? Do we have a plan B? “What if’s” just bouncing around my brain and it drives me crazy! 

So rather than dealing with them myself, I of course need to bring my husband along for the ride! He doesn’t know what to say, he’s asleep! But I ramble on and on about what is going to happen if we don’t do this and if we don’t do that! It goes on for 20 minutes and then I get a little angry (ok I get a lot angry) that he doesn’t have a plan! He doesn’t have a McGiveresqe plan B for us! 

It is dark my friends. To be honest I hate with all of my heart going to the dark side! But I am human and it honestly happens!

By the time we are finished with Doomsday and I have gotten really mad at my lovely husband it is 5:30! His alarm is now going off and as they used to say, “It is time to make the donuts!” LOL! He’s ready to go! In fact, he is out the door in record time! I think he is like, “Get me out of here, this lady I’m married to is nuts!” 

Btw I totally get it! I do get nuts! Yes, I am less than a week shy of having 18 years of continuous sobriety but that does not mean that I am not human and that at times I do go back to old behaviors especially when I am feeling scared; FEAR. 

He leaves and I get my warm water and it is time for me to get with God! I start my morning routine of listening to the Hallow App. It is literally a life saver. I sit with my warm water and my dogs and I pray. It is the absolutely best way to start the day! Not the way I started today in the dark! But I restarted my day and it was a total game changer! No more dark my friends. I got into the light, with God and the Blessed Mother! 

It is so nice to know that I can restart my day at any time. 

Having tools that benefit you and your mental health are as important as physical exercise. 

We are living in uncertain times and prayer, meditation, quiet, lighting a candle, getting on my knees and praying are so beneficial to how my day goes. 

If I didn’t have those tools I would have been a babbling idiot all day! 

I would have shared with my friends and family my drama! Telling them stories about what hasn’t happened yet! I would have gotten them all riled up and for what? Because misery loves company? 

Needless to say I don’t have to drag a bunch of people into my insanity anymore! I have learned tools and you can too! 

And to bring back my optimistic self, I want you to know that I pray none of those crazy stories I was telling my husband at 4 am ever come to life. 

I know prayer works and I know God is listening… he has shown me time and time again that he listens. His timing might not be my timing but in the end everything always ends up better than I could ever imagine. 

That being said I hope you and your families have an absolutely fantastic weekend. 

Sending big hugs and love. 


Elizabeth aka Bizzy 

Newsletter for August 2, 2024


How often do friendships change? I believe it happens a lot. Friends come and go. Some come for a season and leave for a reason. It is so important to be kind to yourself and realize that during growth we need to adjust as we get older, we transform and when we change our friendships change too! They look different and feel different. It’s not all bad. It just is.

When I got sober, I had friends when I needed them. But, a lot of friends just disappeared. 

It’s kind of like when you get divorced. 

Prior to getting divorced I had a lot of married friends. I had spent holidays and other occasions with these people. They were like family. Then they all disappeared. They ran away like they were scared. It felt like they thought they could catch it. Like it was a disease! 

Just like alcoholism. When I told some friends I had quit drinking they dropped me like a hot potato! 

Real friendships are hard to come by. I remember when I was little my mom would tell me, “Elizabeth if you have a handful of friends before you die you’re a very blessed person”  she was right. 100%  correct. She knew what she was talking about. 

By the way, this is what we get from history. We learn from our elders. We get to hear from older people. We get to hear from different people about history and their past experiences. My mom warned me a long time ago, you don’t need all these friends, Elizabeth.  You just need solid friends, real friends and I can honestly say today I have a handful of friends that would be there in a heartbeat!

Although, I also have a lot of acquaintances to which I feel blessed. But real friends that will show up no matter what it’s like a humongous gift! They are the  friends that will pick you up if you have a flat tire on the highway or on a back road. You know that if you call this friend they will show up!  That’s a true friend. A friend that doesn’t gossip about you to other people that’s a true friend, a friend that doesn’t judge you, a friend that doesn’t make you feel badly about yourself is a true friend. A dear friend will also tell you when they are worried about you, these real friends will call BS when you need to hear it. 

I have a couple of these friends and I feel very blessed. But, I’ve met women that I pray I never see again! They were not nice people and just because they say that they are something and in a program does not mean that they’re nice or that they’re authentic. They may look pretty on the outside but on the inside they’re yucky

I went through times with these tough people and I pray again,that I never have to see any of them again. I was raised in Missouri, the midwest, it wasn’t only Apple pie and the Cardinals,  it was a belief that you loved your neighbors. Everyone said hello to everyone. ( BTW I still do say hi to everyone and my husband thinks I’m crazy LOL) 

I was totally naïve when I moved to the East Coast. I tried to be friends with everyone. The reality is not everyone likes me and I don’t like all people. I have learned that I have to protect my heart. This took me decades to learn after a lot of heartache and realized the steel wall around my heart. I don’t want that anymore. I wanna have true authentic friendships. It’s so interesting in today’s climate. So many “friends” are very wishy-washy about what they want and what they don’t want.  They’re afraid of what you’re gonna think over what they believe in their hearts. It’s like what your friend thinks trumps what you think? I want people that are going to be grounded and rooted in what their beliefs are. They aren’t wishy-washy; they know what is right and what is wrong instead of being like well I think this, well I think that, or it’s OK everybody can be whatever they want to be. No, that’s not the truth, not everybody can be what they wanna be, people need to be God-fearing in some form. 

I understand we all change our beliefs over time. We all go from a place of I believe this to a place I believe that and I think that that comes with growth. The older we get the wiser we are.If you stay grounded with God, you know what is right. You know in your heart what is right. It may not be what your neighbor may believe in, it might not be what your friend believes but it’s what you believe! You need to be true to yourself.  

I think right now we have so little respect for God. The Olympics was just one example of that. They mocked Christianity! We need to stand up for our beliefs hence why I am going out these days and speaking my truth. 

I’ve always been a person that’s watched the news and I’ve been around politics my entire life and I have firm beliefs. They are not wishy-washy. I understand why people don’t like Donald Trump, people think he’s mean.  I would rather have a leader that is strong and not always nice as my leader. He hasn’t rewritten history. In fact he believes in American history and what our forefathers stood for. I do wish that he was a little kinder with his words. The words that he uses sometimes come off harsh and he can be crass. 

I believe that he is the only person that can fight what’s going on in this world. Kamala Harris cannot go against Putin. She cannot go against Kim Jung Yun . She can’t go against any foreign leader. All she does is cackle. All she’s done is literally slept her way to the top, that’s the truth! I believe that a woman could be an amazing leader, but not this woman! 

And my friends that are so wishy-washy and have no beliefs and have no God are gonna vote for her because she’s Indian, Jamaican and she’s a woman!  I believe she's gonna run the United States of America into the ground! She’s  already taken us to a place that I don’t recognize with President Joe Biden!  

Donald Trump in my opinion is an amazing leader and when he was president, we can’t deny that we were all sitting in our homes with more money in our pockets. I felt safe. There were no wars going on in the world. 

I don’t feel safe today, and I told a friend the other day I said you realize that there are Chinese and Russian planes flying into Alaska airspace. She responded,  “whatever that doesn’t even count”! Yes it does count, I told her!  The countries that hate America are coming for us! . If we have Kamala Harris in office and they’re gonna take us over and we’re sitting ducks!

So as your friend I am telling you it is time to get honest, speak up! If your friends don’t agree well, so be it! Own who you are and what’s important to you! Don’t let anyone take away your freedom of speech and the freedom to be who you are, believe what you believe and stand tall! 

Life is better when you can look in the mirror and like what is staring back at you than to live a life filled with friends that really don’t care about you! 

Until next week, take care, be safe! 

Sending hugs and love to you all. 


Elizabeth aka Bizzy

Newsletter for July 26, 2024


Happy Friday, I am sitting here trying to rest because I just had an epidural in my back. Please help me pray that it works and that I am finally out of pain.

Last night I watched President Biden’s last speech from the Oval office. It was short but one thing he said, that I can’t stop thinking about, was this sentence:

“On those rare moments in history, when the decisions we make now determine the fate of our nation and the world for decades to come, America is going to have to choose between moving forward or backward, between hope and hate, between unity and division.”

What does this sentence mean to you? It left me in complete contemplation.

Life for the past 4 years has been challenging to say the least. Men wanting to become women, women wanting to become men. Anheuser-Busch having a commercial with a man dressed as a woman putting down men who are hard workers and good ole boys resulting in a company that I loved as a child becoming a company that I would never buy anything from again.

Not to mention black lives matter and George Floyd. People going out and burning our cities down to the ground. Destroying Mom and Pop stores to the point that they could never recover.

In the past four years the fact that a campaign to defund the police was supported by members of the country was shocking! Today one can steal up to $1000 in certain cities and the person stealing will not be prosecuted. Instead they get carte blanche with no repercussions.

Our borders are open and whomever wants to come over can! No one has been vetted or investigated! Come on over! In America we will give you money, put you up at a nice hotel and let you do whatever in the world you want to do here.

Lastly, I have to mention fentanyl!  The cartels are running the show. I believe this is global terrorism. If you watched the RNC convention and heard the Mother of 5 talk about her oldest son who had never done drugs, and he tried it once! It was laced with fentanyl and her child died!

More Americans have died from fentanyl overdoses than died in World War II!

Hmmm, back to part of the statement President Joe Biden made, “America is going to have to choose between moving forward or backward,”

Prior to the 46th president taking office our country was not perfect. NO it wasn’t but there was some sense of law and order. God was still a big part of people's lives in the 70’s and 80’s. What happened? Jerry Seinfeld just spoke about this, he said in the 70’s and 80’s if you had a job and could support your family that was enough. You had a good life. And, then the 90’s it became all about the money! Money became people's God.

During Covid people got locked in their homes with no sense of community and couldn’t be with their loved ones. In fact people were in isolation. I know that when prisoners in jail get in trouble their punishment is to be put in isolation!

Human beings need each other to exist and have healthy lives. We need our families and our friends; we need to worship! We need to have a relationship with God and the socialization of being with people that believe what we believe. We need to support one another in good times and bad. We need love! We need companionship, we don't need to be isolated.

So do I want to continue with life as it is today? Do I want more government, more darkness? More insanity pushed my way with the woke media? Absolutely NOT! I don’t want to continue the way we have been going these past 4 years. I can’t handle the insanity, enough is enough- the pendulum has swung too far.

I want a president who is going to help straighten out what has transpired the past four years. I want the world to know that we are America and we are strong and we are united as a country! I want to see the American Flag again from my neighbors homes. I want us to come together under one country with liberty and justice for all.

So, sorry Joe Biden. I don’t want a future that is filled with more woke agendas. I want God to be brought back into our lives. I want people to have hope and a love for a country they call home.

I know I may sound naive and idealistic but I believe that we can get back to the basics of family, friends, faith and our flag.

God bless you and our Country!

Sending big hugs and love to you all.



Newsletter for July 11, 2024


Happy Friday, the fourth of July has passed and the heat is here. I am sitting here in not so sunny South Florida relaxing, it is ironic because I keep thinking of my childhood when it was hot in St. Louis and how we just sat on the couch and watched TV. When my Mom would tell us we needed to get out of the house we biked, swam and played tennis. We didn’t have a schedule…we just truly were couch potatoes. 

I think back to those times fondly. Life was easy, we had done a year's worth of school and it was time to just hang. 

Today being an empty-nester and living in an area that literally becomes a ghost town in the summer is forcing me to chill! Relaxing isn’t always easy for me. I think that if I am not busy that something is wrong. I have friends call and ask; “What are you up to?” and my response is “Not much LOL”. I don’t have any fires or drama. It’s quiet. 

Being quiet today I realize can be uncomfortable, but I want to change that! I want to view my life differently. 

In AA I was introduced to the concept that we are exactly where we are supposed to be. God has a plan for me. Why fight it? 

Because of society? Because of all of the noise?

Surrendering is hard! But fighting the feelings is even harder. 

I know that God is truly in charge! It is my job to get right with him! And a bonus in my life after my trip to Medjorgia is that I also ask the Blessed Mother Mary to be with me as well. I ask for their help. I can’t manage on my own but knowing that I have God and the Blessed Mother with me I know that I am OK, even better than OK! I trust that they have my best interest at heart and I can let go….

Getting to this place where I can truly rely and trust God has been recent. For years I stayed in fear, resentment and a sense of uncertainty. I questioned if this is all that life has to offer…ugh! Why? Why? Why? I regretted the past and constantly wished things were different.  

I finally surrendered! It took a lot of pain to finally give up my will and know that God’s plan has to be better than mine. I had to let go..

Today I am embracing this time of quiet. I trust that everything is exactly the way it is supposed to be. Even the things that are unpleasant in my life. Nothing going on in my life is by mistake. I need to embrace this time because let’s face it, nothing stays the same. 

Everything is constantly changing… 

Have a wonderful weekend. 

Sending big hugs and love to you all. 


Elizabeth aka Bizzy 

Newsletter for July 5, 2024

Everything Changes…

Happy Independence Day!!

Unfortunately I went to the trainer and Pilates and thought for some reason that I could push myself and nothing would happen. But I was wrong…I have been lying on the couch for days in so much pain. Getting older for some of us isn’t easy. In fact I think working out should be a four letter word!!! HAHAHA

Sitting around and not running from here to there has given me a lot of time to think, reminisce, and ponder. 

I thought back to when I was a child, a teen, pre-children, post children. Wow! Nothing has been consistent. I know that a lot of people have traditions and that is so incredible. We all long for something we don’t have…and today I long for traditions and family. 

This year we stayed home and watched whatever fireworks that were being set off in our neighborhood. My back was causing me a lot of pain and my dogs were very upset with all of the banging around us. So I sat and sat and sat! 

It is truly the little things that make life so special. 

We watched two old movies on the 4th. Dave with Kevin Kline and The American President with Michael Douglas. They are both great movies in my opinion. But, as I realized after both movies, life has changed so much! I mean in some ways it is unrecognizable. I mean they are movies but it seemed like it was a lighter time and that there was joy and laughter and not much criticism for others. I can’t even imagine if they made a movie like that today. Every one would find some reason to find the movie offensive. We are living in the darkest times in my opinion. But, I never lived during WWII or The Great Depression. 

Lightness is something that I have always been able to attain, especially after putting down the drink. But, I think maybe naively, that life was a little easier pre-cellphones and social media. We have constant noise and fear mongering around us which of course conjures up anxiety and a sense that we aren’t safe. No wonder so many people are turning to drugs and alcohol. 

On a bright note I think a lot of people are also leaning into being sober today. I have seen so many changes in my almost 18 years of continuous sobriety. New drinks that do not have alcohol are on the market and we have so many more choices today when going out. We can order a fabulous mocktail and feel just as festive as the others at the restaurant or event. 

Everything is evolving, including me. I have learned so much on my journey so far and I look forward to learning more. 

When one is awake and aware we have choices. My choice to not drink was probably when my life completely pivoted. Things that I thought were important fell to the wayside. My palette in life changed and is ever evolving. The key I believe is that when I get down and have a pity party, I have to always remember that my past is behind me and I can’t go back…all I can do is enjoy the moment and know that this day too will fade into my journey. 

I don’t hold on to anything physical; the only thing I want to hold onto is the light, God, the Blessed Mother, my faith, my hope and my sobriety. 

Have a wonderful weekend.

Until next time keep getting busy sober. 


Elizabeth aka Bizzy ,


Newsletter for June 28, 2024

God Bless America 

Happy Friday everyone! 

I bet a lot of you are getting ready for next week and the 4th of July! Growing up I always loved the excitement that surrounds the 4th, the parades, barbecue, and fireworks. 

In St. Louis we would go and watch the amazing display under the Arch! It was absolutely mesmerizing as a child…it was AWESOME! 

Wow I haven’t thought of this in a while but when I went to college in DC I would stay in for the Summer and not go home. One Summer in 1991 I was asked if I would volunteer for the big 4th of July celebration. Of course I said yes!

Little did I know that this year in particular they were having a special event recognizing the fallen soldiers of Desert Storm. 

Now I was young back then and I had no idea how emotional it was going to be! When I arrived the morning of the 4th there were so many buses! Bus after bus filled with family members that had lost their child, their nephew, their husband, their Dad and I could go on and on! These human beings had enlisted in the military to fight for our Country! 

Young people that were sent to fight horrendous a war that was occuring in the middle east. Some place these young men and women never in their wildest dreams ever thought they would experience. It was a scary and foreign place filled with death and darkness. 

The reason I know these things is that I had Veteran and Chaplain Michael Le Buhn on the show this week and he talked all about the tragedies that he saw. The episode will be dropped Monday morning at 6am est. 

I think time is an amazing tool in that it helps us to forget but after last night's debate it all came rushing back this morning. 

We are a nation that had so much honor and loyalty! Growing up people celebrated being an American! Every home had an American Flag hanging outside. We all loved being patriotic! Singing the Star Spangled Banner! Now of course I was raised in the midwest, it was America! Apple pie, baseball games and a real love of our country! 

I think back to when I was young and I have so many fond memories! But, that is where they are in my past. 

Today, it is so sad where we are as a nation. On the street I live on in Florida hardly anyone has a flag hanging from their home and people are ashamed…Hanging a flag means your one political party not one nation under God as it was when I was growing up….

After watching the debate last night I was sad. To think that Joe Biden’s wife would let him go on stage in front of the entire country when he obviously is having some real health and cognitive issues is just terrible. I really can’t share in words how bad that is! I mean what is going on? Does she hate him? And, he is the leader of the free world? I don’t think so. 

Who is running our Country? 

I don’t know if we will ever know the answer to that question. But I know one thing: I want my Country back! I want the United States of America that I grew up with back!

On a bright note, I truly believe that President Donald Trump looked so Presidential last night and I am so proud to be voting for him the third time. It is my hope that he can make America Great Again.

We are days away from the celebration of the signing of the Declaration of  Independence ,the day we became an independent nation in 1776. 

I want to wish all of you a very Happy 4th of July! Please hang your flag and think back to the simple times and love your nation, be proud and let's work together to get America back to where it was. 

Sending big love and hugs



Newsletter June 21, 2024

Grow up! 

Ugh! Who wants to grow up? No one…let’s be a “Toys R Us” kid forever, (even though the store doesn’t exist anymore hahaha. I love the Jingle). 

I remember having three children and being overwhelmed…all I wanted was to get to the evening and put the kids to bed and have a glass of wine. That was when I could relax…ahhh I am done! But, I never had one glass of wine and I was never done. 

Sitting here writing this I know I am still not done, there is laundry in the washer and dishes in the sink…we are never done. 

My big question to myself is why do I want to be done? Why don’t I want to take responsibility for myself and get my stuff done? Because I want to be lazy instead! Sit and watch mindless television and just think of nothing…

Unfortunately I don't think this is what we were made to do; sit and just be bumps on a log. I think we need to educate ourselves, better ourselves and enjoy life even when it is a little more challenging. 

The good news is everything is always changing. When my children were young I wanted them to be old and now that they are old I want them to be young. See I have to grow up! 

Growing up can be painful at times. 

When I was young I would kick, scream and stomp my feet when I didn’t get my way. I no longer do those things and I have learned that now my children do what they want and most times that doesn’t include me and I have to be ok with that. They are grown-up! 

Making choices and decisions is a part of being an adult and it seems like today in the environment we live in it is ok to be wishy-washy and really not have an opinion. We need to make everyone happy! Everyone wins a trophy, everything is instantaneous gratification and you get what you want when you want it! You make choices given who the popular people are, you change your looks and sometimes your beliefs so that you fit in! 

It takes a lot of chutzpah and guts to stand up for what you believe in today. 

For instance, when your child wants something and you don’t want them to have it but you feel badly you still have to be a grown up and say NO! 

Another example is Justin Timberlake driving his car while intoxicated. Was that a grown up decision? I think not! He has enough money to call an Uber or probably any limo service and have them pick him up! But no, he got behind the wheel and thank God no one was hurt. He didn’t make a grown up decision! 

Being a grown up is not always fun. In fact it can be overrated but is there an alternative? I think not!

So rather than saying yes when you mean NO, it is time to own you! It is time to grow up! 

Have wonderful weekend sending big hugs



Newsletter for June 14, 2024

In 2024 it is hard to feed the light when there is so much darkness around us. But, when I was on my pilgrimage, one of the many lessons I learned was that fear is a sin. You cannot have faith while you are living in fear.


One of my favorite lines in the book Alcoholics Anonymous is “Faith without works is dead”!


So it is unanimous that if we have fear we can’t live in the light! Anxiety, the new (well maybe not so new) buzzword is a new way of saying, “I am scared.”


This week I met a man who is completely in his addiction. He kept repeating to me how he has so much anxiety. It was as if that feeling of anxiety was an excuse for drinking and drugging. He was scared and he has no other tools other than to manipulate and tell everyone how he is riddled with anxiety.


My response was, “Anxiety is just a word for fear, you are scared!”


We all have felt fear since Covid. We were all locked in our homes and had to clean our groceries before they came into our homes in fear that we may contract the disease through our food. It was insane! The media just filled all our homes with nonstop stories of how we were all going to die if we didn’t mask up and we didn’t sanitize everything!


63% of Americans claim to be Christian! Don’t we learn in the church that when we die we will go to heaven (if we were good people)? Do people believe that they are bad and they aren’t going to heaven?  Or is it that no one really believes what they hear in church? Or is it that the media and government won? 

I know this: the powers that be, ie. the government and media, sure were louder than your faith! The darkness took over! There was barely any light…we couldn’t meet in church and hear faith from our priests…no wonder the dark took over. 


These days I have to go to my faith first thing in the morning, before my feet touch the ground. I have to make a conscious effort to acknowledge that today is a new day, yesterday is gone and tomorrow isn’t here yet. Thank God for today! I listen to the Hallow App for some divine inspiration to get my day started. When I do that I start my day in the light of God and not the fear that comes out of the television and radio.


We have the choice to feed the light or the dark!


Another story I have is from the local dry cleaner. The owner, who is the most lovely woman, had a stroke. She is alive and on the mend but while she is in the hospital her daughter is running her store. I went in today to pick something up and the owner's daughter was distraught. Her Mom who she loves with all of her heart is sick and she couldn’t get out of the funk! We all have been there…


I said you need to focus on the light, your Mom is still here and presently at physical therapy. She is on the mend! You need to focus on the light and not the dark! She looked at me and said, “Oh my gosh, you are so right.”


The darkness pulls us all in at times and our job is to keep it at bay! Practice writing a gratitude list, remember all that really is good in the world and if you can’t find anything that is good then fake it!


I learned in meetings years ago that you fake it till you make it! How many fake being happy and joyous even when inside they are feeling terrible?  But I think just by faking it we change. A smile on your face can change everything. If you hold the door open for someone and watch the person's face, you see it light up! At least most of the time LOL.


When we get out of the way and help another person everything changes! I know when I help another I am no longer focused on me! I am focused on the person that I am helping.


Reach out today and help someone else.


Remember that the light is stronger than the dark!


One way I stay in the light is by wearing bright clothing! I swear it helps me start my day on the right foot. If I wear dark colors I feel a little drab!


So go put on your colorful or white outfit and if you don’t feel better instantly give it time and try faking it!


Have a wonderful weekend!


By the way if you haven’t joined my Patreon account I would be beyond grateful if you did. Here is the link: 



Also, I am starting to go LIVE on Monday’s starting July 1st at Noon est on Instagram. 

Until next time, have a happy, happy. 


Elizabeth aka Bizzy

Newsletter for June 7th, 2024

I have been watching a lot of podcasts lately. Shawn Ryan’s interviews with Tucker Carlson and Jordan Peterson I loved and learned so much. And Tucker’s interview with the President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, was incredible! 

What I found so interesting from these three men was that God was the most important thing to all of them. All three gave God the credit for where they are today. God is everything to them! 

In the Bible it says

Matthew 19:26

“Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’”

In AA from the book Alcoholics Anonymous, page 53 

“When we became alcoholics, crushed by a self-imposed crisis we could not postpone or evade, we had to fearlessly face the proposition that either God is everything or else He is nothing. God either is, or He isn't. What was our choice to be? I heard that either “God is everything or he is nothing”

When we make the decision to rely on ourselves or other people to cure us or make us happy, we ourselves and the other people fall short! We are human! We make mistakes….

These days I am finding it more and more interesting how true it is that we can’t rely completely on any person! All humans are fallible.  

For example as you all know I am a conservative Catholic woman and I just started going back to the Catholic Church and priests are not all the same and do not all believe the same things. Naively I thought that they did, I thought that every Catholic priest was conservative and believed that our Pope was kind off his rocker! But, I was WRONG!!!!

Here is an example of this: I met a friar when I was in Medjugorje and he is from Florida. I thought meeting this man of God was a sign that YES I am on the right path! He is from my area in South Florida and I met him thousands of miles away from home in Bosnia. Is this ironic or a God wink? I of course thought it was a sign from God! 

I was over the moon!!!!I had a sign!!! I was so excited! I got the Friars number and made a plan to meet in Florida.

BTW was I wrong in that all priests had the same beliefs, in fact quite the contrary! 

When meeting the friar again here in Florida I learned that he has completely opposite views than I have! He was adamant about his stance! We sat on opposite sides of the aisle! 

Now did that make me run away again from the Catholic Church? No it did not because in reality God is not about the building or the person giving the sermon. It is about believing in God and trusting that God has control, not any human standing in front of you professing something that you know in your heart not to be true! 

God gives human beings the ability to make choices! 

I can only judge what is good for me and what is bad for me. That may be different than what another believes but I have to go with what works for me at my core! It isn’t my job to make others happy or convince people to believe the same way I do….but it is my job to be honest with myself! At times this is difficult because there is so much noise! 

My belief is that we all have to decipher what is right and wrong in our hearts and be true to that! As my son Henry always says, “You do you boo boo”. 

Find your path and what works for you and hold that sacred! 

Know that God loves you no matter what and that you are never alone. 

Keep getting busy living sober! 

Have a great weekend



Newsletter for May 31st, 2024

Miracles are everywhere if you can be open to them. 

I went to an AA meeting yesterday and it had been a while since I was at an actual in-person meeting. The last one I went to was in Bosnia so it had been 3 weeks, I would never recommend going this long but I did…Like everything I can fault the humans attending. 98% of the time I leave a meeting I feel amazing and one of those days was yesterday. 

Now this AA meeting wasn’t anything special on the outside, and the day wasn’t that out of the ordinary…it was sunny and warm. The building where I attended the meeting was a little beaten up, it needs a fresh coat of paint and the bathrooms really need to be cleaned but going to an AA meeting is not about aesthetics, it is all about the magic you feel when you are in a room of strangers talking about how transformed your life has been since putting down the drink/drug once and for all. 

This was the first time that I saw someone get a chip (what they give out to mark annual anniversaries, milestones in AA) for having 50 years of continuous sobriety!!! 50 years, I mean I was 5 when this person got sober. They were 21! Once the person decided that they were done that was it! No relapses, just everyday waking up saying “I’m not going to drink today”. 

But, I believe from the bottom of my soul that God has a huge part in someone’s sobriety! I know that the afternoon that I fell to my knees in the hot sand of the Jersey shore, and prayed like I have never prayed, begging God to help me ... .I was so desperate! All I wanted was to not hurt anymore from alcohol. I had asked many times before. When I woke up in the morning after a big night of partying and saying “God please…I can’t do this anymore” but that didn’t stick. It was when I actually got on my knees and said, “God help me” that he did. I had to get humble. 

What is humble? 

Webster’s Dictionary definitions of humble is:

For me personally I think that being humble is the ability to look at yourself and accept who you are, the bumps, lumps, lines, scars, sins and all. When you look in the mirror to accept who you are. I believe that God created us all and we need to embrace ourselves. Love ourselves. No one is perfect! 

Thinking that if you change this or that about yourself will then immediately give you self esteem and self acceptance is kind of ludacris in my mind. I believe that whoever we are we have to love ourselves the way God made us. I know if a plastic surgeon is reading this they think that I am wrong! Go under the knife and a doctor will make you perfect. What if you are already perfect? Plastic surgeons will go out of business?? LOL 

Getting to the place where we love ourselves takes a lot of work! A lot of praying! A lot of quiet! A lot of acceptance! 

One of my most favorite prayers in AA is the Acceptance Prayer: 

Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today. When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing or situation- some fact of my life- unacceptable to me, and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing, or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment. Nothing, absolutely nothing, happens in God's world by mistake. Until I could accept my alcoholism, I could not stay sober; unless I accept my life completely on life's terms, I cannot be happy. I need to concentrate not so much on what needs to be changed in the world as on what needs to be changed in me and in my attitudes.

This Prayer helped me countless times on my journey. Whenever I was feeling fearful, lost, ashamed, powerless, I would pull out the book of Alcoholics Anonymous and go to page 417 (of the fourth edition) and read the Acceptance Prayer and right away I would feel better. Crazy that reading a prayer and praying can bring you so much peace. 

I believe that when I pray that God is listening and he loves me (and you for that matter) more than I could ever imagine. Humans are the ones that are sometimes scary and mean. God is not mean. 

Jordan Peterson was just on a Reel on Instagram and spoke about getting sober and he said that one must have a Spiritual connection “No treatment centers work, but people do quit. The most reliable cure is a religious transformation.” For me, I am not so sure about the transformation but when I entered AA, my relationship with God changed. I always have loved God and even given him credit for everything in my life, but did I see and feel him the way I have since getting sober, no. 

Today, I can see the magic of God everywhere I go and most especially when I am in the rooms of AA. In the rooms you can see people transform in front of your eyes. They come into a meeting looking lost and sad and give or take 90 days and in that time you see a sad person become happy, you see the person's eyes go from being shallow to bright and filled with hope and faith! It is an absolute miracle! 

You may have had a different experience personally. You may not have ever felt free or watch a loved one finally put down the drink for good but don’t ever lose hope or faith. 

I remember when I got sober in 2006 and my kids' dad was still drinking and he was drinking a lot. My anger towards him was over the top! Everytime I thought of him I got enraged! I would call my sponsor (my fellow traveler in the rooms of AA) and tell her everything that was going on about him. How he was doing this and that. She would listen patiently…I could have gone on for hours (she is a Saint). Finally when I would be finished ranting she would say, “now Elizabeth go and pray for him.” I thought this woman was MAD!!!! “Pray for my drunk ex-husband, it’s never going to happen.” She said, “you want to get better – go pray for him”....

When I asked a woman to sponsor me for some reason I listened to everything she said! I took my marching orders…stomping my feet but in the end I decided ok! “I’ll pray for him”!

I prayed and prayed for him! 

7 years of praying and one day my kids’ dad called me as he was about to be arrested for drinking and driving. Yes, he called me, his ex-sober wife! Crazy right! And, they say miracles don’t happen and prayer doesn’t work! 

Today he has over 10 years of continuous sobriety! 

So never give up hope!

While you are alive and breathing you can pray and it may not be on your time schedule but, I know God is listening! Don’t ever give up! 

Hope you have a stupendous weekend and week and until next time keep getting busy living sober. 


Elizabeth aka Bizzy 

Newsletter for Friday May 24th, 2024

Authenticity, Transparency and No More Self Doubt

I woke up after recording Wednesday’s podcast with self doubt. My doubt was in my transparency and authenticity. When I record my podcasts I pray, I ask God and The Blessed Mother to speak through me and what comes through me is raw and authentic. I share from my heart and afterwards I question, “should I have said that?”

Do you ever feel that way? 

Do you question what you believe? 

I want to change! I want to embrace who I am and what I believe. 

Prior to going on my pilgrimage, I would never have thought that prayer and saying the rosary would give me so much peace, but it has. It has given me the strength to be my authentic self. Embracing that peace and knowing in my heart that what I may say may offend others or some may not agree is OK! When we are born, we are given the ability to choose and make decisions that are true for us, in our best interest and others may not agree and may be angered by our choice and that is fine! The truth is if we are honest and coming from a place of love then if we offend we can just say, “I am sorry I offended you but, this is my truth!”

In my opinion, these times of late have brought so much anxiety and unrest because I feel that society or at the least what the media portrays is that we all must think and act the same. We all must embrace this WOKE culture and accept things that we know in our hearts aren’t true. For example, the they/them, he/her pronouns. When did the sex we were born become such a hot topic? I believe it isn’t that complicated! Either you are a girl or a boy. It is one or the other. Society wants us to believe that it is an individual's decision and if you don’t like what you were born into, you can change it! I think that is just insane! 

When I was in Medjugorje and I spoke to the young people there about the US vs Bosnia Herzegovina the first thing they said was, “if someone in our Country tried to teach our children about a WOKE narrative we would shoot them”! I asked why do you think that it is happening in the US and they said without question, “Mental Illness!”

Today we keep our mouths shut and opinions to ourselves so that we don’t offend. We stay quiet and only speak to a small group that we know that we can be honest with. Fear of being judged as racist or simple-minded trumps being and saying what we know in our hearts to be true. 

It is funny, lately on my podcast I have been very forthright about being Catholic, loving God and being a Patriot. I support Donald Trump and with that I received many emails from listeners thanking me for being honest, thanking me for being strong! They say that I am courageous and fearless. Is that true? 

I don’t think that I am necessarily all of those adjectives, but I do know that I have strong beliefs and I know what I believe to be true. I can accept that I see things as right and wrong. I don’t and I am not wishy washy in what I believe at my core. This set of core beliefs were instilled in me at a very young age. As a family growing up it was not a choice whether or not we went to church! No excuse (besides being ill) would be accepted, you went to church Sunday mornings whether you liked it or not. Today, looking back, that is where I learned right from wrong. That is where I learned the 10 commandments and that God died for us. 

When I hit my teenage years I made choices now looking back were not always in my best interest. I chose not to go to Church anymore and I put all of those core beliefs in the back of my mind and chose to go and experiment! That is when I started drinking, became an alcoholic (I kind of believe I was born this way, I always had the alcoholic gene, and it wasn’t until I drank too much that the gene was triggered. Once you become a pickle you can’t be a cucumber again) and made choices that got me in trouble and brought on more regrets and shame than I could have ever expected. 

Today being sober and back to where I was when I was a child is a gift that I cherish more than money or words could ever express. God loves me (he loves you too) and he has given me this gift to be honest and authentic no matter what the cost. 

Friendships and followers have changed, some have decided to unsubscribe or have deleted my number and my social media accounts but that is the price I am willing to pay to be true to myself and to God. Life is about making choices and for many years I did things to make others like me and today I am who I am and voice who I am knowing that I am GOOD! I can sleep at night knowing that I spoke my truth! I ask God to speak through me and if it offends then so be it. 

My prayer for you reading this is that you have the courage to speak up and be your authentic self because God made you exactly the way you are. Don’t ever be ashamed of yourself if you are speaking from your heart, your core. Your beliefs are yours and they aren’t wrong even if they are different from mine. 

I respect others and love everyone even if I don’t want to break bread with everyone I love from my heart. 

Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend and if you could take some time to acknowledge the fallen soldiers that died for our freedoms (what are left of them) that would be lovely. Memorial Day of late has been about sales at department stores and the barbecue and not about what this day represents and that is our ability to vote, pray to whatever God we want and to speak our truths! 

God Bless America! 

Have a wonderful holiday and keep getting busy living sober. 


Elizabeth Chance