Episode 395: Sober Professional Skateboarder Garold Valle
/Garold valle
Garold tells his story of his highs and his lows, how he got sober, relapsed, and came back! Known as an author and motivational juggernaut to some and a high energy professional skateboarder to others, Garold Vallie is constantly finding ways to inspire and motivate as many humans as he can.
Becoming a professional skateboarder in 2000, creating a television show, Underground Vallie, in 2007, writing Voluntary Self Achievement in 2012, and hosting his podcasts from 2010-current, Vallie continues to inspire thousands to blaze their own path.
As the decades stack up, Garold Vallie is as fired up as ever to live by example and help people realize the power that they have within themselves.
From speaking on stages across the country to skating in front of millions on TV, the goal is to; Have some fun, do some good, and when you lay your head down to sleep, be thankful and know you made the most of the day.
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To reach Garold
Thank you again Garold for coming on Busy Living Sober.
For more information, feel free to reach out to me at elizabeth@elizabethchance.com.
Always remember, you're not alone! Live life one day at a time!
You've got this!
Wishing you a fantastic day!
With love,